As small business owners, we love to hear from our clients that we are making a difference in their lives. But we often hesitate to ask for their support to toot our own horn – which we need to do to attract more clients.
Watch and learn how to collect amazing success stories from your clients without feeling sleezy about it.
Faye Pietrokowsky says
I ask clients, whom I know appreciate my work, if they would be willing to write something when then have time- no rush.I tell them speciicially why I am asking so that they aren’t guessing what to write about.
Thomas Petty says
Great tips Sydni. I have also asked some of my clients if they’d be willing to do a short video. It takes 2 minutes to do, and you can do it with your cell phone or iPad. I like to ask three open-ended questions, and just let them talk:
What do you like most about ____ [the product or service]?
How has ____ helped your business?
How has my company helped you achieve the results you wanted?
With a little simple editing, you can create a short 60 second video that are very powerful testimonials that you can put on your website. Every person I’ve asked said, “Sure!”
Here’s an example: