When I start working with a new client, one of the first tasks we work on is identifying their target marketing and creating their ideal client profile.
Most of the time, the client will say something like, “if I focus on just one industry, I’m going to be missing out on working with other people. I’m going to be leaving people out, I’m leaving money on the table, Sydni I’m not doing that.” My response to them is that you don’t have to walk away from opportunities; you don’t have to leave anyone out. That’s not what this is about.
Let’s say you are a professional organizer and you work primarily with home based businesses. That is your target market and that’s who you want to focus on. But you go to a networking event, you meet this really cool dentist, the two of you totally click, hit it off, he needs organizing help in his office and he wants to hire you. If that happens to you … Work with the dentist! You don’t have to walk away from the opportunity because you’re targeting home based businesses. That’s not the point of choosing a target market.
Choosing a target market means that you focus your marketing efforts on one specific group of people. So all of your materials speak to that group, your messages in your marketing address the specific challenges of that group; the services you offer are solutions that group is already looking for. If, along the way, you happen to come across other individuals in other industries that really like you that want to hire you then work with them, that’s perfectly fine. Go ahead and work with them too!
As the business owner, you have the option to work with whomever you like, regardless of whether or not they fit your ideal client profile. But, in marketing your business, you’ll be much more effective and make a LOT more money, if you narrow your focus to one specific group of people. This will allow you to become the expert problem solver for the group and become a leader in your industry.
Think about it. When you get ready to hire a vendor, any vendor, to help you with a problem in your personal or professional life, don’t you want to work with the expert? Don’t you want to work with the industry leader? Of course!
So start TODAY, narrowing your focus to one specific target market. Update your marketing materials so that they speak to that ONE target market. Start attending networking events that cater to that ONE target market. Create solutions that YOUR target market is looking for!
You’ll immediately start enjoying your work even more and can look forward to a BIG boost in your income!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Betty_Anne Whipp, sydnicraighart. sydnicraighart said: Choosing A Target Market = More Money In Your Pocket http://ow.ly/2ei7A […]