There is only ONE reason you should have a presence on social media for your business.
That’s right. Just ONE.
The reason is – to use the platform to connect with ideal prospects and get them on YOUR mailing list.
It doesn’t matter how many fans, followers or connections you have if those “relationships” aren’t generating revenue for your business.
To get results from the time spend tweeting, updating your Facebook page and posting on LinkedIn, you need to have in place a strategy that converts your connections to email subscribers.
Once a social media connection joins your email list, you now have the opportunity to get to know them, build a relationship and (when the time is right) extend an offer of a product or service to help them solve a problem they are facing.
Now that we are clear on what you should be using social media for, let’s review 7 ways you can leverage your profiles to grow your email list:
- Tease the content of each newsletter issue before it’s sent out with a simple post like “Coming tomorrow: [the theme of your newsletter].” Remind your social media friends why they don’t want to miss out on the valuable info you have to share and include a link to your opt-in page.
- Post a brief summary of the juiciest part of your newsletter on your Facebook Page, either as a preview or after it’s sent, and ask a provocative question that relates to it. If your fans want the whole story, invite them to subscribe to your newsletter.
- Pique the interest of your fans and followers by teasing that theme of your newsletter, either with some related posts or by asking your audience for their thoughts on it.
- Add an app to your Facebook fan page, which will allow users to quickly and easily add themselves to your mailing list without having to leave Facebook.
- When an issue of your newsletter is sent out, make sure you share it on Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+: “Extra! Extra! Read all about it!”
- Create or download an image that relates to your newsletter content and post it, along with a link to a sample issue of your newsletter on Pinterest. Tell your audience this is a preview of what they will get when they subscribe.
- Regularly post invitations on all of your social media profiles to your opt-in page to encourage new sign-ups. Don’t assume everyone has seen it! You are constantly engaging with new connections and your existing connections may not be aware of the free offers, promotions and discounts you have available on your website.
Keep this in mind. Facebook, as we know it, didn’t exist 10 years ago. Neither did Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ or Instagram.
Who knows, 10 years from now they may all be gone and we’ll be playing with some new social platform.
But YOUR email list is a priceless asset that will always have value and profit potential. So don’t get caught worrying about how many fans, followers or connections you have. Instead, use your presence on social media to grow your email list and build REAL relationships with REAL people.
Your pocketbook will be very happy you did!
Gayl Murphy says
Well done and well stated Sydni. Thanks for the refresher course and have a media-savvy day!
Gayl :>
Sydni Craig-Hart says
Thanks so much for the feedback Gayl! I appreciate it. Was there anything specific you enjoyed about the article?
I’m especially interested in your thoughts as I’m sure because of your work, you see some unique ways to use social media to create PR opportunities.
Gayl Murphy says
Hi Sydni,
Great to hear from you. As I said in my comment, your article was clear and
concise. Direct and on point, a rarity these days.
Take care and speak soon,
Gayl =)