She showed me how to package what I already have in order to make some quick sales!
“Before I started working with Sydni – I had clients, but I needed more clients and wanted to solidify my proprietary system. I needed to get a system going that would solidify how I blogged, how I created resources and how I got clients.
Working with Sydni is simple and easy to follow. I found implementing what she gave me to be very easy. I’ve gotten some great ideas on how to make money quickly by having a sale or putting together a product based on what I already have on my laptop. She showed me how to package what I already have in order to make some quick sales. I was able to increase my email opt ins, start a successful LinkedIn group, do a summer website sale that lead to six new clients and re-launch my boot camp that led to three new clients.
Sydni challenged me to be myself and be authentic, which allowed me to define my proprietary system and get better results. I love her ideas and that she’s able to be real with her clients and tell it like it is. If you need help with marketing and want to increase your profits, you should give her services a try. It’s an investment in your business, but she’s going to help you make more money.”