If you’re using webinars to grow your business, there is nothing more important than the timing, format, and structure of your presentation. Some marketers argue that these technical aspects of your presentation are even more important than the content itself! Why? Because it is the timing, … [Read more...]
How To Get Found Online By Your Ideal Customers Who Are Looking For You
One of the things that really frustrates me is that there is SO much noise about how to properly market your business online. A lot of it is very technical, down-in-the-weeds stuff that many business owners don't have the time to figure it out, or just don’t have the time to try to implement all the … [Read more...]
Grow Your Business By Creating A Community
Engagement Matters Episode 33: Do you want customers and clients to stick around with your company for months and years to come? Then give them plenty of reason to do so. Learn how you can build communities of prospects and clients. … [Read more...]
Why eNewsletters is One of the Best Engagement Tools
Engagement Matters Episode 32: Publishing an enewsletter regularly is one of the best marketing strategies known. Why is this the case? Another question you may have is, ‘How do I structure an effective enewsletter’. This video will show you how. … [Read more...]
Why Use Email Automation?
Engagement Matters Episode 30: How can you build an audience of thirsty prospects, nurture the relationships, solve problems and increase your revenue all while your eyes are closed and your hand are tied behind your back? It's called email marketing automation - baby! Let me show you how we do it. … [Read more...]
5 Easy Ways to Turn Your Website Into An ATM
It goes without saying that to be taken seriously in the business world today, you MUST have a website. One of the first things prospective clients will do when introduced to you and/or your brand is to “Google” you to see if what you have to offer is what they need. You want to make sure you … [Read more...]
How to Create A Tribe Of Raving Fans That Grow Your Business For You
Don't you love it when you receive a compliment? You likely feel validated, intelligent, successful and helpful. Don't you also feel more confident? Especially when the compliment has to do with your work and your business? Of course you do! Even better, don't you LOVE it when you … [Read more...]
Getting Found Online – Tips on Keyword Research
Attracting high-quality prospects online has a lot to do with the language you use in your content. You want to strike a careful balance between a conversational, engaging tone and including keywords and keyword phrases that your prospects would type into their search engine when they go online … [Read more...]
The Cure For Online Overwhelm
These days, it seems like we’re all inundated with too many tools, apps, plugins and software. It’s overwhelming! So how do we pull it all together into a cohesive strategy that’s going to move our businesses forward? If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the “stuff” you need to do to keep your … [Read more...]
Six Easy Ways to Build REAL Business Relationships
Online marketing is by far one of the greatest resources available for spreading your message and growing your business. Through social media, email marketing campaigns and blogging, etc., online marketing keeps you open for business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This allows instant … [Read more...]