How often have you viewed a great business video and thought – “I wish I could do that”? You can! In this week’s episode I show you just how easy it is to implement video marketing into marketing your business. From the simple tech tools to sources of content, I share the 5 simple steps you need to … [Read more...]
A Simple Marketing Strategy to Build Trust and Increase Sales (SSMS Episode 64)
There's one simple, inexpensive and reliable way to develop a relationship with your audience that will lead to more sales. By growing an email marketing list you can stay in touch with your target market and turn interested traffic into eager buyers. In this week's article you'll learn how to … [Read more...]
3 Time Tested Online Marketing Strategies
Creating visibility for your business online can seem like a daunting task. There are many different options to choose from and you’ll likely find yourself in “analysis paralysis" if you try them all at one. That said you simply can’t ignore having an effective strategy for marketing your … [Read more...]
Top 5 Reasons Why Social Media is an Essential Tool
Social media – it’s one of the most overhyped words in online marketing – so much so that many service professionals have thrown the baby out with the bath water and given up. However, when you learn to use social media consistently and correctly it can be a great boon to your business. Here are … [Read more...]
How to Find Out EXACTLY Where You Should Be Promoting Your Business
I recently reviewed my client list over the past 18 months to see where my clients had come from so that I could fine tune my marketing efforts. You see, Smart Simple Marketing is not about doing more. It's not about doing the "latest and greatest thing". It about doing what works and doing that … [Read more...]
Use Teleseminars and Webinars to Boost Your Profits
Hosting virtual events such as teleseminars (essentially a conference call) and webinars (which is basically a PowerPoint presentation delivered via the Internet) are a great way to boost your business. They are both easy and highly effective tools to create more visibility and new profit streams … [Read more...]
Are Your Marketing Materials Helping or Hindering Your Business?
One of the most important considerations in creating your version of a successful business is having a brand that reflects the high quality services you provide. Just because you have a small business, doesn't mean your brand should look "homemade". Everything you do from participating in … [Read more...]
A Simple Way To Educate Your Target Market and Attract More Clients
Article marketing is one of the very best ways to market your business and your services by sharing your expertise. By writing and submitting articles on a regular basis you are sharing your knowledge with your target audience and giving them a chance to get to know you and your work. Articles are … [Read more...]
Using Simple (and Highly Effective) Email Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business
The cornerstone of successful (i.e. profitable) email marketing strategy is having a responsive list. Many Internet marketing "gurus" talk about having a large number of subscribers and liken that as the link to their success. But when you're building a community within your target audience, it's … [Read more...]
SSMS Episode #7 – How to Easily and Consistently Create Hot Content for Your Blog!
Maintaining a business blog is one of my favorite strategies for driving pre-qualified traffic to your website. But a lot of entrepreneurs I know shy away from starting a blog (or let it "die") because they can't imagine writing content every week. I hear your struggle! So today's episodes shares … [Read more...]