For most small business owners, in-person networking is a significant piece of their ongoing marketing strategy. Getting out and meeting the right people is often the quickest way to enroll new clients into your practice and generate additional revenue. Though networking can open the door to … [Read more...]
How To Eliminate Your Fear of Marketing
Most of us started our business because we were passionate about a particular topic and found that we are REALLY good at helping others with their related challenges. That is a great reason to start a business! Unfortunately, it often happens that once you start your business, you realize that … [Read more...]
The Key to More Profits? Give ‘Em What THEY Want!
How would it feel to offer products, programs and services that your ideal clients snatch up at every opportunity? How would your business be different? How would your life be different? Pretty great, right? The first step to creating this reality is to get CRYSTAL clear on who your ideal … [Read more...]
Absolutely Perfect Teleseminars
By Sharon Broughton One of the things I do for my clients is set up and promote their teleseminars. Teleseminars are a great way to promote a product launch, a new coaching program, etc. Usually they are free preview calls, but sometimes there is a fee to attend these. Here are some … [Read more...]
Want more profits? Work your plan!
Last week's article detailed the importance of developing your "Money Map" (a.k.a. marketing plan) so that you have clear direction on how you're spending your time, energy and resources to attract clients, develop your business and make more money. Once you've put forth the effort to create … [Read more...]
Here Is Your Place to Brag…Shamelessly!
How many of you were taught as children to not brag because it isn't polite? I certainly was. I would have received a stern look from my Mom for doing so and maybe worse (depending on how obnoxious my bragging episode was! :) So we grow up thinking this and go through life never really … [Read more...]
Have You Created Your Money Map?
What's a Money Map?" you might ask. Just as it suggests, a Money Map is a map to help you create more money in your business. The map is real - it isn't an old piece of paper with directions to a buried treasure. The map is your marketing plan for your business. Day in and day out, I see too … [Read more...]
The Number One Reason You Don’t Make Big Money
At the beginning of each year, we set our New Year's Resolutions. We want to lose weight, we want to exercise, we want to travel more, WE WANT TO MAKE MORE MONEY. Some of us are really good at setting goals, and we know exactly how much money we want to make - down to the last penny. But, on … [Read more...]
5 Simple Steps To Generating Relevant Content For Your Blog
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the many benefits of blogging for your business. If you considered the information I shared in that post, you may have thought, “That’s great Sydni…but what am I going to write about week after week?” That’s a great question! One that many solo service … [Read more...]
Following Up = More Profits In Your Business
How many times have you attended a networking event, had a number of great conversations with ideal prospects, collected a bunch of business cards and never followed up? Perhaps more times than you'd care to admit. The bad news: You likely missed out on a number of key opportunities to deepen … [Read more...]